3 Different CSP Superhero's

Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf is known as the "Father of the internet." He was born June 21st 1943 in New Haven, Connecticut. In 1965 Cerf got a bachelor degree in math after attending Stanford University in California. He also went on to get a masters degree in math and a bachalors in computer science at UCLA. While at UCLA he helped write the Network Control Program for ARPANET. In 1973, Kahn, someone Cerf worked with in UCLA, asked Cerf to help build what they invishioned. This later became the internet. They worked on this for many years and it was evertually made public in 1993. During the years after he was president and vice president of many corporations. Even after all this his main acomplishment was his work in developing the internet, which he later got the Alen Turing award for (the most prestgious computer science award).

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